17 コラボ用
よかったらコラボしてください✨ ------------------------------------------------- ★しげ ☆コラボ者様 ✨一緒に ★now I'm seventeen my school is in the country students wear trainers read the same magazines ☆now I'm seventeen my school is gettinng tiresome teachers-they're so young singling me out ★only like philosophy & after school the time that's what I call my own time ☆nice girls meet nice boys end of school day while other girls go strait home ☆talking 'bout soaps'n' that ✨I go home alone like it watching the nameless people ✨surfing subways,travelling somewhere “…nowhere…” ------------------------------------------------- しげのコラボ用はこちらにまとめてますので よかったらコラボしてください♪ https://nana-music.com/sounds/068c1cdd 【コラボしてくれた人】 募集中