  • jzs_tmsのユーザーアイコン
    > れっつま(烈芝麻)。

    No need to thank me, I'm just trying to support you. I hope I'm not annoying.😅 Keep up the hard work, everything will be good! I'm looking forward to your songs!😊❤️

  • れっつま(烈芝麻)。のユーザーアイコン
    > jzs_tms

    jzsさん!🥹🫶thank you so much for your following me on nana too! And I’m so glad you listen to my singing and prefer it😭💓 I will start to take a singing lesson from October, continue to practice and enjoy☺️🫶

  • jzs_tmsのユーザーアイコン
    Wow, honestly just wow. You are really amazing. 😯😯 れっつまさんの声はきれいですね めっちゃきれいです🫶