  • みらきゅるー。のユーザーアイコン
    さん Hi. Thanks your heartful message. I'm very glad. Thank you for listening to my sound and applauding and commenting. Did you feel much calm? It's sad that I can't listen to Leon's music anymore, but it can't be helped. I really regret that I wasn't very close to Leon in my lifetime. I still think that I wanted to get along better. Even now that he can no longer hear Leon singing voice, he is still alive in our hearts. I hope your love and Leon's love will last forever. thank you. "🐾mirakyule🐾"
  • みらきゅるー。のユーザーアイコン
    さん こんばんは✋ うん、そう思ってくれていたなら嬉しいなぁ♪ 最近たくさん聴かせてもらってるから、既出のコラボ作品に少しずつ重ねさせてもらって、シクレだけれどここのサウンドのキャプションに貼り付けさせてもらおうと思ってる✨