歌詞 あたしの心臓あげる 黒木渚

It's empty in the guitar. The hole is dark and deep as it swells me, as it swells me. Guitar… The hole is dark and deep as it swells me, as it swells me. I was brave till I met you. You told me and hold me. How small I was. You are my GOD. 直線12個集めたらひとつ出来たよ角砂糖 踏み潰したら木っ端微塵潤っていく眼球 ヴァイオリンを弾いてよ引きちぎるくらいに それに飽きたらあの遊びをしよう あたしの心臓あげる毎晩抱いて眠ってね ギター聞かせてあげるからあなたの心臓ちょうだい It's empty in the guitar. The hole is dark and deep as it swells me, as it swells me. I was brave till I met you. You told me and hold me. How small I was. You are my GOD. 直線たくさん集めたら塗りつぶされて分かんない 導き給うはイエス様熱を帯びてゆく眼球 ヴァイオリンを弾いてよ見とれてしまうかも それに飽きたら例の遊びをしよう あたしの心臓あげる毎晩抱いて眠ってね ギター聞かせてあげるからあなたの心臓ちょうだい Guitar… The hole is dark and deep as it swells me, as it swells me. I was brave till I met you. You told me and hold me. How small I was. You are my GOD. You call me Alice. Are you Lewis Carroll? I'm not fairly as you know. I'm not sweet like that girl, I don't need fame, I don't need flowers, I want your gift. It's empty in the guitar. The hole is dark and deep as it swells me, as it swells me. I was brave till I met you. You told me and hold me. How small I was. You are my GOD.
あたしの心臓あげる の人気パート
歌ってみた 弾いてみた