
Ballad Of Curtis Lowe

なんだかガレバン オフライン なんちゃってギター オフライン Vo. オフライン コーラス後でつけるかな〜。 初めて、直立になって、布団かぶらずに歌いました。やっぱり立たないと声出ない。 【英歌詞】 Well I used to wake the morning before the rooster crowed Searching for soda bottles to get myself some dough Brought 'em down to the corner, down to the country store Cash 'em in and give my money to a man named Curtis Loew Old Curt was a black man with white curly hair When he had a fifth of wine he did not have a care He used to own an old dobro, used to play it across his knee I'd give old Curt my money, he'd play all day for me [Chorus] Play me a song Curtis Loew, Curtis Loew I got your drinking money, tune up your dobro People said he was useless, them people are the fools 'Cause Curtis Loew was the finest picker to ever play the blues #Lynyrd Skynyad レイナードスキナード
