歌詞 You know you love me? 木村カエラ

☆We lost something very precious. What do you care? We always find the reason why it exists. You know you love me? We lost something very precious. What do you care? We always find the reason why it exists. You know you love me? When you hear rubbish. When someone dislike you. Don't lose your heart. Be yourself. It's most important. You know you love me? It's no wonder you like me. When you hear rubbish. When someone dislike you. Don't lose your heart. Be yourself. It's most important. You know you love me? It's no wonder you like me. ☆Repeat(2times) Why there are perfume? Because they give you luxurious feelings. Why there is the sun? Because the sun keeps human warm. Don't be timid. Be yourself. ☆Repeat(2times) When you hear rubbish. When someone dislike you. Don't lose your heart. Be yourself. It's most important. You know you love me? It's no wonder you like me. 私たちは本当に大切なものを見失っている。 あなたは何が大切なの? 理由があって世の中のものは存在する。 私のこと好きでしょ? くだらない噂を聞いても 誰かさんが自分を嫌いでも そんなの無視よ。自分を見失わないで あなたがあなたでいること、 それが一番大切なの。 私のこと好きでしょ? そんなのあたりまえ。 香水にとって大切なこと それは贅沢な香りがすること。 太陽にとって大切なこと それは人々に暖かい光を与え続けてくれること。 自分を見失わないで。 あなたはあなたでいること。
You know you love me? の人気パート
歌ってみた 弾いてみた