  • Flip N Tapesのユーザーアイコン
    Flip N Tapes
    > risuneko

    Thank you. Your Comments are most welcome.

  • risunekoのユーザーアイコン
    Mr. Flip N Tapes From my friend, The sounds posted are all very nice sounds, so “#Free Truck” I would like you to tag me, There was a request.
  • risunekoのユーザーアイコン
    Mr. Flip N Tapes I borrowed this sound to thank you for following me and to say hello. I will post for about a week. I don't understand English at all, so I translated it with Google.
  • risunekoのユーザーアイコン
    Mr. Flip N Tapes Nice to meet you. Thank you for following us. I am a posting addict when I have time, so If the notifications are too loud, you can unfollow me. In any case, please go ahead. I don't understand English at all, so I translated the document using Google.