  • akiのユーザーアイコン
  • Maxy Payneのユーザーアイコン
    Maxy Payne
    So cool
  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    Oh, that's really sweet!

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    true true it can also relax and be therapeutic, in moderation lol And I hope your studies go well, I'll say a mini-prayer🙏🏼that your final exams go well and that your memory absorbs all the good stuff💡😆& when the time comes you'll slide through it smooth sailing ⛵ 👌🏼☺️and thanks, I hope you have a great weekend too✨

  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    It's no big deal :) okey that's fine! I'm studying for my finals and this is also a sort of app to relax for me haha but very addictive 🙃 have a great weekend!

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    you're awesome✨ 😊 thank you, i kinda of felt bad asking but i had a feeling you would be okay with it 😊 and just whenever you're free☺️ I'm actually going to try and not touch nana this weekend to kind of detox from it 😂 I don't have Facebook or Instagram or anything else and i noticed I've been a bit addicted to this app so I'm going to operate my self control lol - this may be TMI but meh just wanted to share that haha k thanks again☺️

  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    Sure I will record it again, no problem!

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    and if so, like if you're cool with that, then just at your convenience of course✨☺️

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    "we don't need to rush this, let's just take it slow 🎶," So i tried singing this song yesterday and on the original the girl and guy both sing that part and it's missing so ☝🏼i was wondering if you could pretty pretty please lol can you record this again just how you did it was perfect, but can you also add/sing that line at the top of the comment? It just empty without your voice there, (that sounds dramatic🤦🏻‍♂️😆)

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    for sure!!☺️✨

  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    No it doesn't sound cliche! Good people are hard to come by these days.. So thanks for your support! ☺😊

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    I really love to give people on this nana app my opinion, I really have no hidden agenda behind it, it just makes me happy to encourage people and see their self confidence go up ⤴️✨I realize this might sound cliche but it's true✨☺️

  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    Yes your honest opinion is really important to me! Oh great, glad to hear that 😊

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    > delphinedekuyssche

    I want you to know that I'm saying it sincerely and that when I comment now or in the future, it's what my mind is truly thinking 💡And your English is excellent - I really did not know that English was not your primary language. You're doing great with that as well👍🏼👏🏼

  • delphinedekuysscheのユーザーアイコン
    > 09_nathan

    Haha thanks Nathan, you can't imagine how happy I am to read all your lovely comments! I really appreciate it! (tried to say my feelings in English.. It's harder than I thought haha 😁)

  • 09_nathanのユーザーアイコン
    you killed it.👏🏼👏🏼 Tis now dead☝🏼😳😆✨ no no but seriously you hit the notes well, this is a tough song✨👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼