【HAZBIN HOTEL】Hell Is Forever 2【コラボ募集】
Andrew Underberg・Sam Haft
\英語版チャーリー募集中/ 治りかけの喉より歌いたい欲が勝ちましたね…🤘 カラス駄さんの伴奏待ってたよ〜〜〜🥰🫶 ピアノでロックはかっこ良すぎるんじゃ〜〜〜‼️‼️ (フィズにハマってからアレックスさんが魅力的すぎて…サーペンシャス、アダム、フィザロリーの3役を演じ分けてるのスゴくない❓❓❓👀 声と演技の幅が広いだけでなく歌も激ウマだし、アクセントの入れ方やアドリブでキャラクターをより最高に仕上げてくれる天才…尊敬しかない👏😭✨ 急に語り出してソーリー) 1番のコラボはこちらから ⬇︎ ⬇︎ ⬇︎ https://nana-music.com/sounds/06be8a92 🎸虎の仔 🌈あなた 🎸Just try to chillax babe, you're wasting your breath (🌈haha...) Did I hear you imply that they don't deserve death?! Are they winners? Are they sinners? 'Cause it's cut and dry 🌈Well actually, if you take a look— 🎸Fair is fair, an eye for an eye And, when all's said and done (Said and done) There's the question of fun And for those of us with divine ordainment Extermination is entertainment! Bow-now-now-nownow, guitar solo, f**k yeah! Oh, da-ah-ah now-now-n-now-n-now-n-now-n-nownownow Hell is forever, whether you like it or not Had their chance to behave better 🌈Where did all of you people come from?! 🎸Now they boil in a pot 'Cause the rules are black and white There's no use in trying to fight it They're burning for their lives until we kill 'em again F**king Hell is forever and it's meant to suck a lot So give up your dumb endeavor, 'cause you don't have a shot Long as I got your attention I guess I should probably mention That we made the determination To move up the next extermination 🌈What? 🎸Can't wait a whole year to slaughter those little cunts I know it's just been a week, but we'll be back in six months! 🌈Um, wait, didn't you— Ugh, shit! 🏨ハズビンホテルまとめ:英語版❶~ぼっち~👤 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4099488 🏨ハズビンホテルまとめ:日本語版❷~ぼっち~👤 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4117617 🏨ハズビンホテル:イメソン❸~ぼっち~👤 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4117626 🏨ハズビンホテルまとめ❹~コラボ~👥 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4103001 🏨ハズビンホテルまとめ❺~台詞~👤 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4106145 🎙️コラボ募集中まとめ🤝 https://nana-music.com/playlists/4102982 #HazbinHotel #ハズビンホテル #ハズビンホテルへようこそ #コラボ大歓迎 #コラボ募集中 #アダム #チャーリー