歌詞 id2 ゲスの極み乙女。

手綱を取る僕らは若くて泣きじゃる子供のようさ あと少し冬を越せば背伸びした大人になるのかな 足繁く通った家は今もまだあるのだろうか 冬の匂いを感じるとまた思い出してしまうな I sing at the last night I sing at the last night I sing at the last night How about you, too? I sing at the last night I sing at the last night I sing at the last night How about you, too? I sing at the last night I sing at the last night I sing at the last night How about you, too? I sing at the last night I sing at the last night I sing at the last night How about you, too?
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